EoS Week 5

Progress: Everything has been soldered together aside from the voltage divider I’m going to need to make this week to power the range finder and the OLED screen. It shouldn’t be too difficult once I get the other resistor I need.

I’ve also started working on housing designs in Tinker Cad and hope to be able to print them next week. I made one option where the range finder could be on the back half of the holder, and the other option I’ll look at is if it is further up, closer to where the mirror is located (the second image).

Problems: Looking for a 5v power source I can use has been an absolute nightmare. At this point I’m leaning towards getting a battery housing and just use 4 AA batteries and hacking together a power source and have the housing open up to replace the batteries. It seems as though rechargeable 5v batteries are nonexistent, or I have to wait a month for shipping.

This Week: Hoping to finish up the Tinker Cad designs and the voltage divider so that I can print the housing and start assembling it all together. Ideally I’d like to have it functional by next week Thursday but we’ll see if I have anymore setbacks.