Unconventional Honesty Post 6

A huge success of the past week was Andres and Fang got the heart rate monitor to connect to the neopixel sensors! All three neopixel strips are working and are now connected. The next step in this process will be playing with patterns. One option, recommended by Kevin, is to have the pixels move at the rate of the heartbeat, so when the person’s heart rate goes up, the pattern goes more erratic as well.

There has been a slight problem in the sewing department, the original “tunnel” structure keeps falling apart. Jade will speak to Marianne about that in class this week to either find a solution or a new “tunnel” method.

For this coming week, we will work to finish the tunnels and start connecting the neopixels and heart rate through the jacket. If we get far enough alone this week, we may start sewing the jacket back together!